
The 2019 Municipal Budget Development Process In Kosovo

Municipal budgeting is the basic process that allows municipalities
to attain many goals in their course of action. The process of formulating a budget plan is one of the main activities of any municipality for the upcoming year aiming to meet developmental needs along with the needs of citizens. A sustainable budget plan should include long-term prospects. Additionally, considering that municipal budgets are limited, municipalities should establish a tie-in between the overall objectives of the institution to better allocate resources to achieve their objectives. The municipal budget should include and promote effective communication with stakeholders such as municipal employees, businesses, citizens, sports and cultural activists, the Mayor, Municipal Assembly members, etc. In addition to the obligations to citizens, defined by the Law on Public Financial
Management and Law on Local Self-Government, municipalities are also bound to adhere to the requirements of the Law on Gender Equality. Public participation in government decision-making is considered part of the definition of democracy. Ultimately, citizen participation helps local governments make better decisions (Creighton, 2005).

The 2019 Municipal Budget Development Process In Kosovo