The aim of this platform is to serve as a focal point for local level organizations and for all those who are actively working on monitoring public procurement, or intend to work in the future. This will be a common space for local organizations to publish their reports, find relevant materials for monitoring public procurement as well as an opportunity to network with different organizations.

This page is developed by CiviKos Platform in December 2020. Development of this site is enabled by USAID through the Transparent, Effective and Accountable Municipalities (USAID TEAM) activity. Information on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the Government of the United States of America.
CiviKos is founder, manages and maintains the site.


Contact Us!

Platforma Civikos
Str. Bedri Pejani 7/A 1000 Prishtina

Phone: +38138224904